Speaking at Engage.UG at the end of March and EntwicklerCamp in April ahead, I also attend and speak at two other events in March:
ICS.UG in Hamburg, March 10
Again, it's a pleasure to be there as this conference is held by "my" companny, We4IT. This is the successor event to the one from last year in Bremen. A whole day packed with sessions and networking in one of the most beautful cities in Germany.
I strongly recommend you to stay at least 2 nights: one before and one after the conference as you might want to vist Hamburg's most famous sights!
More infos: http://www.ics.ug/en/event-2016.html
Super WebGate Day, Dietikon, Switzerland, March 17
This is a special event - for WebGate and for me of course. It is the frist time I as invited to speak without submitting an abstract. Thank you, Christian Guedeman, CTO of WebGate, for asking me! It's a pleasure to join you to celebrate your company's 15th anniversary!
More infos: https://www.webgate.biz/Super-WebGate-Day