Goodbye - and Hello!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 12:00 AM UTC

Today marks another milestone of my career. I am starting a new job and journey at We4IT - no April fool!

This decision wasn't an easy one and it occured very sudden after months or years after I looked around in our business for opportunities. But sometimes things happen to become easier as you ever expected. After more than 10 years being with the mates at ULC I'm now starting something new.


Long story short: I am looking forward to a new era of my life and my career. I am very pleased to meet new people, new colleagues and new customers!

The main changing in my work life will be to work from my home office though I appreciate the contiguousness to my co-workers over the years. I know I will deal with that properly and there is always a way to meet each other - I am looking forward to it!

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