Sharing is caring!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 5:05 PM UTC

Exactly 7 months ago I released my private project called "FileSilo" on OpenNTF. Until now it was downloaded 582 times (this an average of 83/month!) which is - at least for me - a huge success! I never thought that this little application which I just designed for my own needs would become such a popular tool!

This is the time to say


for trying it - and maybe for successfully using it in your own environments. I always appreciate any discussion and feature request to this as I permanently want to improve the user experience and functionality.

I am using it for my homepage download area and my company uses it twice for providing a general area to share files and for a special customer to exchange data of all kind.

As the downloads are close to reach the 600 I will release FileSilo "Next" soon - this will be version 2.0.0 and this will be using the Bootstrap4XPages plugin entirely. I just added some tweaks to it (CSS) and committed them to GitHub - if you want to get the latest "nightly" build of it.

Feel free to contribute, discuss and "talk" to me to evolve this little app!

Cheers! Smile

Latest comments to this post

Carsten Haedicke wrote on 11.05.2021, 19:20

Auf der Suche nach einer simplen Datei-Austausch-Lösung bin ich auf OpenNTF über dein schickes FileSilo gestolpert und wollte damit etwas spielen. Nunja, bei mir sieht das irgendwie alles ganz anders aus als bei dir. Gibt's da Voraussetzungen die ich übersehen habe? Weder Browser mit Dominos 11.x/9.x noch native Clients 11/10 tun bei mir. 

Vielleicht hast du ja mal 'nen Tipp für deinen alten Ex-Kollegen =)

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